The Private Investigator’s Role in Employee Theft

The Private Investigator’s Role in Employee Theft

When you consider a business being robbed, most people will picture bad guys in masks with guns, demanding bags of money. But in fact, theft from employees should be considered equally as harmful. Many small business owners don’t get police involved when they discover a case of internal theft. They think that it will cost too much time and effort to get any real evidence that will hold up in court. This is where a private investigator comes in.


An experienced surveillance investigator can help in uncovering any case of employee theft as discreetly as possible. PI’s know that overt internal investigations can cause unwanted tension in the workplace. A private detective knows the best way to gather information and data to help an employer’s case stand up in court and also to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.


According to Phenix Investigations, “Employee theft can come in many forms, from pilfering of merchandise, to stealing intellectual property or any confidential information, to collecting pay for time not actually worked. This can usually be prevented by doing background checks on the employees, or changing office policies or system to ensure that there are no opportunities to steal.”


Making any accusations without concrete evidence can irrevocably damage reputations and relationships. An experience private detective will know how to gather solid facts and evidence before making any moves. The investigation process into a business, especially a small one, can be tense but a private detective agency like CIAPI in St. Louis will be able to discreetly unearth not only evidence, but underlying reasons for employee theft. Sometimes an employee is acting out because of discontent with pay or with the company’s policies. These findings are important to a solid investigation and can also reveal loopholes in the company’s operation and security measures that allowed such incidents to take place.


If you are a business owner who suspects employees may be stealing from the company, contact the private investigators at CIAPI for a consultation today.


Source: Phenix Investigations

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