Private Investigators Use GPS Tracking in Surveillance

Private Investigators Use GPS Tracking in Surveillance

Private investigators are very familiar with GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking technology, especially in terms of surveillance. In fact, GPS trackers have changed the way PI’s are able to collect evidence in cases when working with Attorney Law Firms. These devices are usually placed on cars and can be programmed to only alert the PI when a subject reaches a specific destination.


There are, however, some instances where GPS tracking cannot be used. While many states do not have actual laws prohibiting the use of GPS tracking, the federal laws are not completely clear on their usage.


GPS has allowed PIs’ strategies to change with the ever-evolving technology. Private eyes used to have to sit, watch, and wait, but GPS has allowed Private Investigators to watch from afar by attaching it to the subject’s mode of transportation.


This not only allows for concrete evidence to be collected about the subject’s whereabouts, but it also protects the Investigator from particularly hostile subjects.


GPS has also allowed for greater multitasking. While the subject is being digitally followed, the PI can collect important information to present to the Attorney Law Firm. By allowing the PI to do more than the old school sit, watch, and wait, cases can move along at a quicker pace with more information able to be collected in a shorter amount of time.


While it is completely dependent on the case on which the PI is working with the Attorney Law Firm, it is safe to say GPS is a trusted assistant when tracking a subject.



Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.

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