Private Investigators Perform Security Audits for Safety

Private Investigators Perform Security Audits for Safety

A Private Investigator’s scope of work goes far beyond taking pictures of unfaithful partners with zoom lenses. PI’s can also perform security audits for businesses. Without ironclad security, the business’s information and that of its clients can be at risk.


Security threats are a risk for small and large companies alike. Did you know that:

      The cost per incident can range between $25,000-$100,000 for small companies

      Large companies can see damages of up to $2.5 million

      Almost half of all large companies fall victim to security issues


These security breaches can happen both electronically and on-site. Something called a Pen Test, or Penetration Test is essential. It is a proactive approach. This is when a test is done to try to break into a building, a secure facility, and/or computer system to see where the weaknesses lie. After such a test, the company can see where they need improvement.


Should a security breach happen, the company’s losses extend far beyond direct losses. Fines, penalties, brand reputation, and waning customer confidence are all risks. The threats can change daily, especially electronically, which is why it is recommended to have professionals handle this aspect.


If you are unsure of your company’s security status, review the procedures and countermeasures. Update them if they have not been updated in a while.


Next, have a professional security audit done. This is where Private Investigators can help. PI’s will know how often to run the testing to make sure your security system is always up to date.


The most important times to check the system are when:

      Security patches are added

      There is a major system update or upgrade

      New locations are added

      New net infrastructure or apps are added


It is important to protect not only your business, but your information, your employees, your clients, and your brand reputation.


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.

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