Private Investigators Perform Pre-Employment Screenings for Employers

Private Investigators Perform Pre-Employment Screenings for Employers

Pre-employment screenings can save companies a lot of money in the long run by ensuring that qualified people with clean histories are hired. Private Investigators can assist Attorney Law Firms and employers by conducting pre-employment screenings on potential hires.


Why are pre-employment screenings important?

      33% of all job applications and resumes contain exaggerations of abilities and experience. 

      30% of all business failures are connected to employee theft.

      Annually, there are two million occurrences of workplace violence.

      If a “bad hire” quits or is let go within six months of being hired, it can cost the company about $40,000. This includes severance, advertising, interviewing, loss of productivity, and training the replacement.

      Most states recognize the employer as the responsible party due to the negligent hiring statute. The employer can be held liable, both criminally and financially, for the actions of the employee.


Making the right choice when hiring employees is a company’s first defense against losses. Performing a proper pre-employment screening takes a lot of resources and skills. An entire department would need to be dedicated to these screenings.


Private Investigators can do a one-off pre-employment screening for a company or a customized screening for all future candidates can be tailored. PI’s are trained to legally and ethically obtain factual and hard-to-get information to assist in managing the company’s risks associated with the hiring process.


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.


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