Job seekers waiting in a lobby

Pre-employment screening with CIAPI

One of the most important decisions a company makes is who they hire. This is why pre-employment screenings are so important. A Private Investigator can perform a pre-employment screening before you hire anyone new.

How can a pre-employment screening benefit your company? 

It can protect your brand and your organization

A company can only be as good as its weakest employee. This is why it is so important to hire people who will represent the brand and the organization appropriately, while making sure their resume only represents the truth. 

It can save your company time and money

It can cost a surprising amount of money to make a bad hire. Between the possibility of customers losing trust in the brand, possible theft, bringing down office morale, and the cost of letting the employee go, it is wise to invest in a pre-employment screening to help your company avoid such scenarios.

Due Diligence

Hiring people onto your team is a big responsibility in many aspects. You are responsible to your customer base as well as your other employees in regards to who you bring on the team. If the potential employee has a history of violence or a criminal record, you could be putting your employees, brand, and organization at risk. A pre-employment screening can ensure you are not hiring anyone with a volatile past.


While your potential employees may appear picture perfect on paper, it is your job as the employer to ensure that they are an honest, fair, and appropriate addition to the team you have built. A pre-employment screening can confirm or deny that the potential hire has the qualifications, experience, and even licensing that the resume presents.

 A pre-employment screening is insurance for not only your organization and brand, but for your current team. The Private Investigators at CIAPI can help.


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.

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