Hiring a Private Detective: What You Need to Know

Hiring a Private Detective: What You Need to Know

The difference between a good private detective and a bad one can mean the difference between getting the results you want or not. This checklist of qualities will make sure the private detective you're considering has the criteria you need:


Since it's easier in some states for a person to call himself a private investigator, you don't want to rely merely on the title as a final qualification. A few states have no requirements-anybody can call himself an investigator and try to make a living at it. Other states demand very little to qualify; some allow people to be identified as a PI if they work exclusively with one attorney.

The majority of states, however, have specific requirements. In these states, PIs must have investigative experience. The amount of time required varies and may be reduced based on education.

Strict states, for example, may require 6,000 hours of field work, such as working with the police force, the FBI or another investigator. Also, the applicant must pass a state-administered test and pass a thorough background and fingerprint investigation. California is one of the most demanding states when it comes to approving private investigators.

Contact the licensing division of your state's Department of Consumer Affairs to learn your state's requirements and confirm that the PIs you're considering are indeed licensed.



What type of educational background do they have? In law enforcement? Private investigation? Do they have technical skills, such as computer savvy? In what area is their specialty? Are there areas in which they're inexperienced, such as computer security or polygraphs? Will this affect your needs?

Find out how many years they've been practicing and how many of their cases were like yours. How did those cases turn out?


Clean Record

Contact your state association of private investigators to see if any complaints have been registered or disciplinary actions filed against the investigator.


Good Character

What overall impression do you receive from this person? Is his first concern money? (Your needs come first.) Can you trust him? What are his thoughts on confidentiality? Has this person shown an ethical nature, a sense of decency?

While private investigators are not officially held to an attorney-client or doctor-patient level of confidentiality, a good PI will honor this. He will never surrender an informant or information, and will keep private everything shared between the two of you.

Some clients worry that their identities may be revealed if a PI is confronted by the person being investigated. A good PI would never disclose his client's name. This protects you. If the surveillance fails, you at least haven't suffered any repercussions because of it.

There are times, however, when a private investigator would want to let subjects know they're being investigated, such as in a pre-employment screening. This technique discourages applicants who have something in their backgrounds that would disqualify them.


Can Testify In Court

People with a law enforcement or federal agent background know the system and how to work within it. They can produce evidence or other legal materials that will hold up in court. They also are prepared to testify in support of it. Make sure the investigator you choose has this background. Ask if he is prepared to come to court if the situation requires it. Also find out if he has ever testified in a similar case and if there is anything in his past that could prevent him from taking the stand.

Remember, if your situation ends up in the court system, your case will be that much stronger if your private detective is adept at testifying and presenting the information he's uncovered.

To be considered an expert and eligible to testify, a private investigator will be asked a series of qualifying questions by the judge that may focus on his background, education, experience and anything else that may determine if he's an "expert."

As in other situations, appearance is important. Is he well-groomed and professional looking? Would he command respect from a judge or jury?


Knows Human Nature

Knowing how to anticipate people, how to question them, and how to strategize based on what you learn are effectively valuable PI tools. While this experience in human nature may not compensate for a private investigator skilled with a computer, a good "people sense" makes a private detective more effective at gathering and relaying information.


Works Out Of An Office

Scratch a private detective off your list if he conducts business only at restaurants, by phone or through a mailbox address. An orderly office can be a window into the degree of his professionalism.


Clearly Spells Out Fees

Right off the bat, tell him what you want done and find out how much it will cost. He should be able to provide you with an accurate estimate and should ever exceed this amount unless you're notified beforehand.


Has Good Rapport With You

Do you connect with the private detective? Does he understand your situation? Does he maintain eye contact? Do you feel comfortable? You're trusting him with the confidentiality of your situation as well as the information he uncovers, which may affect many of the people closest to you. He should treat your case with sensitivity.

Is his conversation free of any patronizing or condescending remarks? Do you feel comfortable enough to ask all your questions? Are his answers satisfying? Do you leave the office with a sense of hope?

A good private investigator is as professional in the delivery of information as he is in gathering it. As his client, you should feel he is looking out for your best interests.


Source: Investigator Confidential

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