Domain Name Acquisition for Businesses

Domain Name Acquisition for Businesses

Domain Name Acquisition allows you to purchase a domain name whether it is parked or live. It enables you to gain control of the domain name quickly, cost-effectively, and anonymously.

With Domain Name Acquisition, you are able to purchase domains that:

  • Link to future business plans, brands, or products
  • Contain an existing or desired trademark
  • Are currently being used to host disparaging content
  • Include keywords pertaining to your business

Part of the Domain Name Acquisition search will give the estimate of the current fair market value of the domain name in order to begin negotiations. It also helps to set client expectations for cost and current site traffic. The search will also uncover the current owner of the domain name, including if they are listed as “private.”

Private domain owners are just that. Private. Unlisted. However, Private Investigators are trained professionals when it comes to searching for people who do not want to be found. Finding the privately listed domain owner will allow us to begin our search to find out fair market value along with other information such as if the site is live, what type of traffic is received, or if it is simply parked.

We are able to negotiate with the owner anonymously on your behalf. Strategies are used in order to ensure a fair price is paid for both parties.

Domain Name Acquisition can be mutually beneficial for the buyer and the seller, and an experienced Private Investigator will be able to negotiate such a deal anonymously, allowing both parties to walk away winners.

We are able to handle these negotiations for both personal and professional use. Whether you’re looking for a personal domain name or a domain name for a current or future business, we will use the appropriate strategies to secure the domain name after we perform the Domain Name Acquisition search.


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.

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