CopyShield Copyright Protection to Prevent Plagiarism

CopyShield Copyright Protection to Prevent Plagiarism

CopyShield is a technology that prevents copyright infringement by protecting, tracking, enforcing, and monitoring the intellectual property of websites.

Google ranks unique content higher than content that has been copied or too closely adapted in order to sway people from slapping up quick content. But, for those who are unaware of Google’s algorithms, what is stopping them from copying and pasting? 

CopyShield is the technology and is the answer to such an issue. It provides website owners with the software necessary to prevent, protect, and recover the following:

  • Content
  • Images
  • Code 

The analytics dashboard of CopyShield details who is the culprit of copying content, image, and/or code. The information you will find on the dashboard includes:

  • Timestamp
  • IP address
  • IP’s geographic location
  • Internet service provider
  • Operating system

Once someone has clicked “copy” on your website, a ping will be sent to your dashboard that will trigger an alert to you, letting you know that someone is infringing on your intellectual property. Protecting your intellectual property is your right as a company and business owner. This not only protects the content on your website, but goes as far as protecting search engine optimization.

This will allow you to contact the infringing company and request that any information that was copied from your website be taken down in a specified timeframe. Since search engine spiders do not crawl the same websites every day, it allows some time for the sites before being flagged for duplicate content, which would knock down the search engine ranking.

Installing this software on the back end of a website will help keep your content safe and unique to the search engines while encouraging others to link to your website rather than copying and pasting. Having other websites link to you will increase your rankings to the search engines.

CopyShield is a software every company should have installed for the benefit of intellectual property protection right down to web rankings.


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.

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