Anti-Diversion Programs Offered by CIAPI

Anti-Diversion Programs Offered by CIAPI

Anti-Diversion prohibits goods from being shipped to unapproved locations. This means that certain goods are protected from going to locations that are unauthorized to use or sell the items. 

What types of restrictions could be in place that would be beneficial for the Anti-Diversion program?

  • Sanctions
  • Trade issues
  • Consumer safety concerns

What are the concerns with diverted products?

  • Counterfeit
  • Altered
  • Potentially unsafe

Anti-Diversion programs can assist with the safe and reliable distribution of products ranging from prescription drugs to shampoo.

There are many benefits to participating in an Anti-Diversion program. Some of those benefits include:

  • Protection of consumer
  • Protection of goods
  • Protection of brand
  • Ensuring only approved vendors receive products

Preserving a brand is an important part of a company's reputation. Not only does it hurt the company when products get into the wrong hands, but more importantly, it hurts the consumer. Consumers could be at risk of purchasing products that have been tampered with. Products can be watered down or have ingredients added to them making them less effective and possibly harmful. This will then negatively impact the brand’s image, meanwhile the company was not responsible for the altered products.

Anti-Diversion programs are just as beneficial to the company and brand as they are to the consumer, if not more.

Anti-Diversion programs offered by CIAPI are more cost effective than repairing a brand’s reputation after products end up in unapproved hands.

We can assist in Anti-Diversion Programs, allowing you to protect your reputation, retailers, and consumers.


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication at the time it was written. It is not intended to provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcome. Individual situations will differ and the law may have changed since publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an attorney to understand current laws and how they may affect a case.

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